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Senior AWS Serverless Developer

Headquarters: Melbourne, Australia
URL: https://brandninja.ai

We are building a Generative AI startup in the Brand Marketing space, and we're on the hunt for a gun AWS Serverless developer to help us create a cutting-edge scalable platform. We already have paying customers using our product, with a strong pipeline of well-known brands.

We have an ‘all in’ culture that prioritises and rewards a spirit of adventure- teamwork, initiative, exceptional ability, risk management and a shared hunger to make history. Please don’t apply if you’re looking for a 9-5 job. 

The key skills we are looking for:
  • Significant experience (3-5 years) building productionized Serverless applications on AWS
  • Detailed understanding of Lambda functions including Lambda layers and performance tuning
  • Experience deploying Production-ready event based architectures including SQS and EventBridge
  • Deep understanding of IAM permissions and writing policies to provide least privilege access to resources
  • Strong real-world knowledge of CDK (TypeScript) and CloudFormation
  • Practical knowledge of NodeJs running in Lambdas as well as installing and maintaining NPM modules
  • Advanced Git skills with experience solving complex merge conflicts
  • Bonus points for experience with ImageMagick or ffmpeg, or similar libraries
If you're ready to join a killer Startup team and build your skills in the Generative AI space we want to hear from you.

To apply: https://weworkremotely.com/remote-jobs/integrity-labs-pty-ltd-t-a-brand-ninja-senior-aws-serverless-developer

Please mention that you found the job on Real Work From Anywhere, this helps us grow. Thanks.

Integrity Labs Pty Ltd t/a Brand Ninja company logo

Integrity Labs Pty Ltd t/a Brand Ninja

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About the job

Posted on

Mar 22, 2023

Apply before

Apr 22, 2023

Job type



